Gallinas Valley Little League is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization run entirely by volunteers. With registration fees covering 70% of the League’s annual operating costs, GVLL depends on the generous donations of our individual and corporate sponsors to fund the gap. Donations help provide scholarships, repair and maintain fields, purchase new equipment and uniforms, and cover field rental costs.
There are many opportunities for you and your organization to help support Little League baseball. A variety of sponsorships will be available and the benefits of sponsorship are listed below. We also have FEATURED SPONSORSHIPS at the Gold, and Silver levels which will allow for those of you who wish to combine several options into your sponsorship together at a reduced price but with maximum sponsor privileges. See order form for pricing.
As a sponsor, you will receive the following acknowledgements:
- Your company, club or individual sponsor name will be displayed on your team’s Opening Day Parade float. The parade travels through Marinwood, Lucas Valley and Terra Linda. Our teenage divisions (Intermediate and Junior League) play in various locations throughout Marin during the season and can wear your name or display your banner where they play.
- Your sponsor name will be displayed on the league website.
- Every Featured Sponsor will receive a personalized appreciation team photo plaque. Many sponsors proudly display these plaques to show their support for local community activities.
- Two businesses may share at Team Sponsorship, or parents may sponsor a team.
Interested sponsors may prefer some of our additional options: (see order form for details) including:
- Banner Advertisement is displayed throughout the season at Old Gallinas field in Santa Venetia. This is the premier Gallinas Valley Little League field where games are played throughout the season, as well as where the summer All Stars games are played with teams from all over Marin County and San Francisco. We will arrange for your chosen logo/ artwork to be made into the banner.
- Team Hats embroidered with your business name on the back. Printing is limited to a maximum of 15 characters. (Lettering details needed by Jan 30 - after that date Banner Sponsorship is recommended.)
- Uniform Sponsor with your sponsor name on back of a set of uniforms (up to 15 characters, must be provided by Jan. 30. or earlier, if at all possible, to allow for production time). Limited to AA division in 2024.
- General Donation ($50+) - acknowledgement on website with company logo and link to company’s website. If you would like to donate time or materials for field improvements, playing equipment , or other items please contact us.
As you can see, there are many options to sponsor Gallinas Valley Little League. We hope that one or more of these options will be of interest to you and your company. General donations of any amount are also welcome! Please use the form to submit your sponsorship for the 2024 season.
Gallinas Valley Little League is a 501(c)(3) organization and your contribution is tax deductible.
If you have any questions, please contact us!
John Southwick or Justin Quinton, Board Members of GVLL by email: [email protected] or [email protected] . THANK YOU!