Beginner Level - League age 4
Intro to Tee Ball
Your child:
This is a co-ed league that is stronger with both boys and girls participating. Check the league age of your child
here. They must be 4 (league age) by August 31st. Kids will practice and play all in 1 hour on Sunday mornings. No kid will pay attention every minute- and that's okay. Four year olds can also elect to play in the standard tee-ball division for a longer season, and traditional team baseball.
The game:
The Intro to Tee Ball division makes baseball accessible to more children and families who may not be ready for a full year of tee-ball. Kids will start with a wiffle ball off a tee and progress to a "real" ball and bat. Active parent participation will be needed to ensure the kids have a great time. Have your child try this if they don't feel ready for Tee Ball but would still like to play. We may adjust the structure of the division based on the number of children who are registered to play and the number of parents who volunteer to help.
This begins in April for a total of 6 or 7 Sundays. (no baseball Memorial weekend).
We do our best to place kids with schoolmates and/or friends if possible. Families find that this can be a great way for kids to meet some new friends, especially valuable for kids as they move from their old pre-school friends to the big Kindergarten. There is an opportunity in the registration form to make a request to be on the same team as a friend. We do our best to accommodate these requests whenever possible. Sign up early so we can make these considerations before teams are formed.
Our community:
Our league, and specifically the lower divisions, is a reflection of our community. It's run by us parents and we get out of it what we put into it. We try to foster a fun, friendly, and open environment for our kids and families. It's a great place to meet other kids and families during events.